Below you will find the link to the, live at 5:30 pm, Digging deeper into THE STORY, David’s story and his connection to Christmas Emmanuel’s Sunday school program is featured in today’s worship service; December 13 2020 Pastor Kurt Hoover515-850-7670
Tag: Archive
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Dec 06
Morning Worship December 6, 2020
We learn this Week from Hanna’s pleading with the Lord, the power of sharing every pain hidden in the depth of our hearts. God sees her, hears her, and answers her prayer. Eli, the priest at Shiloh in the time of Samuel (Judge and Prophet), insists on this honesty. Even though the word of the …
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Nov 29
Morning Worship November 29, 2020
Advent One Worship at Emmanuel do nothing.” The Stories of Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz teach us what the Lord requires and how abundantly our Lord blesses us, sometimes unexpectedly. Let us seek the light of God’s love and live obedient to the command to love one another. In this way we will be ready for …
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Nov 15
Morning Worship November 15, 2020
How often have you fought to remove Evil from your life, its influence and stain? This is a healthy way to reflect upon the conquest of the Promised Land, this week’s chapter of THE STORY. After 40 years wandering in the wilderness relying upon God alone, the Nation God chose to live with became ‘Israel …
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Nov 08
Morning Worship November 8, 2020
“Are we there yet?” We are familiar with that question, and the tension which goes along with it. This week we hear how God is faithful to His purpose with patience and mercy. And from the Gospel “Jesus is the true bread come down to give lift to the world.” He is still giving, directly …
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Nov 01
Morning Worship November 1, 2020
As much as ever, today it seems we need boundaries to keep our relationships with one another positive and healthy. There is much we can learn and apply from the account of God giving his people the Ten Commandments. It is about living in relationship with God before any other entity, and in the grace we receive …
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Oct 26
Morning Worship October 25, 2020
This Reformation Sunday we learn about deliverance from Sin and Death from the perspective of Israel’s deliverance from the oppression of Slavery in Egypt. There are lessons for our lives today which answer questions about why does God allow suffering, and how God chooses to work in and through people we might not imagine God could do anything good. …
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Oct 18
Morning Worship October 18, 2020
From good to bad, and somehow back to a good place again: this pattern describes a cycle repeated several times in the life of Joseph, son of Jacob. In today’s worship and prayers we fine hope from God’s faithfulness to Joseph. Especially in the ways he suffered for the sins of others, without despairing and giving …
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Oct 11
Morning Worship October 11, 2020
Don’t post on social media a lot, you are still an influencer. In the second Chapter of The Story we take noted of the influence of God’s promise to Abraham: “you will be the father of a great nation; all nations on earth will be blessed through you.” Could it be that today the church on earth …
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Oct 04
Morning Worship October 4, 2020
We begin today a series of lesson’s from the Bible. We have from Gods’ Word an understanding of how everything that is, ever was, and ever will be came to be. God has done this; it has his finger prints on it so why is it denied? We have something greater and more precious to …
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Sep 27
Morning Worship September 27, 2020
Is the Bible vital for life on earth? What if we did not have the benefit of its encouragement toward goodness and reconciliation? Is it found anywhere the Bible and Holy Spirit do not influence?Today our readings and message focus us on the power of the Bible to show and remind us God, the creator …
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Sep 20
Morning Worship September 20, 2020
Our annual Harvest Blessing worship service. We reap what we sow, we reap more than we sow, and the harvest lasts longer than the sowing. These observations from life and the Bible point to the significance of what and how we sow into our lives and community. Favorite Harvest time hymns and lesson. One reward, …
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Sep 13
Morning Worship September 13, 2020
A great disease plaguing our world today is resistance to forgiving sin, as we ourselves are forgiven. Hope is found in today’s worship of Word, song, and prayers. Through Jesus death and resurrection, we are relieved of our burden of condemnation, yet the mercy of God’s justice is only just as we forgive as we …
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Sep 06
Morning Worship September 6, 2020
How do you respond to a person who wronged you? “God be with you”. “Where two or more are gathered in my name, I am there among them” Jesus has said. and it is by His grace that we can get over our own need to be right and important. Jesus though, sees each of …
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Aug 09
Morning Worship August 9, 2020
Today is a special Sunday we have been waiting for, Baptism of Jonathan and receiving his parents in membership. The similarities between the 1st reading from 1 Kings 19 and Gospel lesson, Matthew 14:22-33, formed the basis of today’s message: “Trust the Lord will protect and keep you also”. Why is it difficult to remember …
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Aug 02
Morning Worship August 2, 2020
The internship began for the disciples, and has for us also. Jesus said, “You give them something to eat.” And then showed them. We are called to believe scripture is more than ancient stories. Rather a living Word calling us to believe and live as God is working goodness in and among us today. Come …
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Jul 26
Morning Worship July 26, 2020
Before we move onto internship with Jesus and the other disciples next week we finish up with the Parable of Matthew 13. What is Jesus teaching the crowds through these parables, and why is Jesus teaching in the academy of ordinary people? Important answers for our lives today and God’s eternal kingdom. We get help …
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