Tag: Archive

Morning Worship May 9, 2021

“Love I leave with you, my Love I give to you” is the message of Jesus words today.  We continue, abiding in Jesus vine and branches message from John 15.  On the Cross Jesus laid down his life for us – demonstrating divine love.  In this message Jesus calls us to love and value one another …

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Morning Worship April 25, 2021

Our Good Shepherd leads us with love and mercy, not like worldly authorities, worship for the 4th Sunday of Easter, April 25th, 2021 We pray you are blessed to worship with this service. Emmanuel Lutheran, Shenandoah, Iowa.  Pastor Kurt Hoover515-850-7670

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Morning Worship April 11, 2021

“Peace be with you” are powerful words we hear form Jesus this week, April 11, 2021Even if you don’t have Facebook the second web address should open to show you the video.  (Right click then click on “open in a new window”  Be blessed! www.facebook.com/1031856056893525/videos/792065885018639 They felt sad and forsaken until He came and stood among …

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April 2021 Newsletter

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Easter Morning Worship April 4, 2021

Easter Morning; Celebrate the Good News with your Emmanuel Lutheran family(11) Facebook http://www.facebook.com/elcshenandoah/videos/446981739924680 Who is going to roll the stone away worried Mary, Salome, and Mary on Easter Morning.  Instead of honoring Jesus dead body, they were honored by our Risen Lord to be the first to receive the Good News!  Jesus is Risen! Alleluia!  …

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Maundy Thursday Worship Service

Maundy Thursday view of the Upper Room and Last Supper Click on this link to view service: Impotence can icks.org levitra sale be caused by either physical or psychological. When patients were told they had cancer, the psychological reaction of the patient showed a correlation with their white blood cell count and bacterial culture of urine samples …

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Morning Worship March 28, 2021

The core truth of Good News shapes our worship for Palm Sunday; March 28th 2021.  The Central Event of the Christian story began with people waving Palm Branches.  Much is packed into this event which leads to a New Beginning Easter Morning, with ultimate power and meaning for us on account of what God did for us …

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Morning Worship March 21, 2021

Dealing with hardship, loss, and pain is a matter for faith which affirms, “Yes, Jesus Loves me” because the Father does not abandon nor forsake.  The Lord, worthy of our trust, overcomes even death, grieves with us the loss and comforts us through the valley.  We pray you are blessed to worship with this service. Emmanuel …

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Morning Worship March 14, 2021

“Believing” Forth Sunday of Lent worship with Emmanuel Lutheran, March 14, 2020 Jesus who died on the Cross in our place, was No Ordinary Man; today we learn how Jesus used an Old Testament event to teach what it means to believe and live.  Certain canadian cheap viagra medications can irritate the stomach. It is advisable for …

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Morning Worship March 7, 2021

Cleaning house is one of the aspects of Lent to consider, what needs to go, what to keep and what is the proper place for the priceless gifts from our Lord?  From Jesus ministry we learn who he valued, what is important and what is not.  We pray you are blessed to worship with this service. Emmanuel …

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Morning Worship February 28, 2021

Second Sunday of Lent, “A King who saves us” Worship with Emmanuel Luthe… “Stop the world, I want to get off!”  I believe every human being has moments when we inwardly scream this sentiment. Especially in this last year.   For those who practice faith in the Creator of the world, it kinks in.  We receive …

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March 2021 Newsletter

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Morning Worship February 21, 2021

First Sunday of Lent worship from Emmanuel Lutheran, Shenandoah IA February 21st 2021 God will answer our prayers for rebuilding what is vital for our lives.  We see through the Lower Story of Nehemiah’s live How the Lord, God of heaven and earth, caught him up in the, much larger than himself, Upper Story of …

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Morning Worship February 14, 2021

“When 70 years are completed for Babylon I will fulfill my gracious promise to bring you back” the Lord promised through Jeremiah.  The amazing way God moved through the king of Persia to release Judah is this week’s lesson from The Story.  It was for God’s purpose! They were sent back, with funding, to rebuild …

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Morning Worship February 7, 2021

Please use the link below to access today’s worship service, announcements below: Prepared to enjoy the game? This week many find themselves instinctively preparing to watch the ‘Big Game’, yet with precautions too. The restrictions we face are minor compared to those which faced Daniel and his 3 fellow exiles from Judah.  Let us rejoice amid …

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February 2021 Newsletter

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Morning Worship January 31, 2021

The Lord has a plan and hope for our future; worship with Emmanuel Lutheran, Jan 31 Though this is the most tragic chapter of Israel’s History we also see God has remained faithful to His chosen people.  Those who look to the Lord, God of their ancestors have hope and a future beyond their present difficulties.  …

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Morning Worship January 24, 2021

The Northern Kingdom, Samaria, had been conquered by the king of Assyria, yet under the leadership of Hezekiah the small kingdom of Judah remained protected by the Lord.  So many lessons for today we can learn from the Old testament books of 1st and 2nd Kings.  Peoples compromising the gift of relationship with God’s always results in consequences.  Yet …

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Morning Worship January 17, 2021

God speaks through the prophets Emmanuel Lutheran worship from Jan 17th https://fb.watch/34sF5FQAYP/ If this facebook link will not open for you please use the link below for St Paul’s worship service.  We had a technical glitch with Emmanuel’s recording.  St Paul’s Lutheran worship for January 17th 2021 https://youtu.be/C73qlNY1J2M Abbreviated by a technical glitch Ask and you will have, seek and …

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Morning Worship January 10, 2021

Baptism of the Lord Sunday worship for Emmanuel Lutheran, Jan 10th 2021 The event of the Baptism of our Lord connects heaven and earth; the disenfranchised drawn to John the Baptist in the wilderness and there Jesus also showed up to share with us the baptism for the forgiveness of sins.  Heaven opened and the heavenly proclamation was heard, …

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Morning Worship January 3, 2021

Emmanuel Lutheran Christmas 2 Happy New Year.  This week we learn how God continues His Upper Story plans to make His love and mercy know throughout the world through King David’s successor, Solomon.  May you be blessed to worship in this service. Worship with Holy Communion (at home too) Lesson: Solomon ~ God gives wisdom we all …

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January 2021 Newsletter

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Morning Worship December 27, 2020

How precious is the gift God has given us at Christmas?   King David, with the help of Nathan, the prophet, demonstrate for us of What God has done sending His only Son Jesus into the world.  Through God alone can we receive just mercy which leads to peace with God and one another.  As the Angel …

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Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 2020

We pray you will be blessed to worship with Emmanuel Lutheran’s Christmas Eve 2020 Candlelight service Blessed tradition: Celebrating our Savior’s birth in a communal worship service featuring Silent Night, Holy Night sung in the candlelight.  Home communion is also apart of this service you will want to prepare for.  And don’t forget candles.  Merry Christmas, your family …

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Morning Worship December 20, 2020

Friends may you be blessed as you worship today.  This and past services are found on our web page: Home 

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