Morning Worship April 11, 2021

“Peace be with you” are powerful words we hear form Jesus this week, April 11, 2021Even if you don’t have Facebook the second web address should open to show you the video.  (Right click then click on “open in a new window”  Be blessed!

They felt sad and forsaken until He came and stood among them, held out His pierced hands in His familiar welcome gesture, then added “Peace be with you; as the father sent me, so I send you.”  Thus began the journey we continue today as Jesus hands and voice, empowered by the Holy Spirit.  Bearing witness to the death and resurrection of our Lord, the forgiveness of our sins through faith in Jesus, and unshakable hope for the life to come.   

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We pray you are blessed to worship with this service. 
Emmanuel Lutheran, Shenandoah, Iowa.

All music Public Domain or copyrights used by permission through by CCLI Lic # 1750133 & 20465231 or One License # 96981

Pastor Kurt Hoover

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