Morning Worship February 28, 2021

Second Sunday of Lent, “A King who saves us” Worship with Emmanuel Luthe…

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“Stop the world, I want to get off!”  I believe every human being has moments when we inwardly scream this sentiment. Especially in this last year.   For those who practice faith in the Creator of the world, it kinks in.  We receive peace and understanding: we do not need to leave the planet, God’s own Son came to be with us in all of our lives.  All the great things we do in our lives, we do not do alone.  Before the Birth of Jesus Mary had Joseph were each grounded in a healthy relationship with their heavenly Father. 

We pray you are blessed to worship with this service. 
Emmanuel Lutheran, Shenandoah, Iowa.


The following is the normal schedule; all gatherings/events are subject to change.  REMEMBER: Social Distancing at all functions will be observed.  Masks (adults & children) are in the foyer for your safety and the safety of the congregation.

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TODAY, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28                                               2nd Sunday in Lent

  9:15 a.m. Sunday School

  9:15-10:10 a.m. Day’s lessons, discussion with Coffee social distancing in the Fellowship Hall observed. 

10:30 a.m. Worship

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SUNDAY, MARCH 7                                                          3rd Sunday in Lent
  9:15 a.m. 
Sunday School
  9:15-10:10 a.m.Day’s lessons, discussion with Coffee social distancing in the Fellowship Hall observed.  
10:30 a.m. Worship

Monday, February 8
  9:00 a.m. 
  6:30 p.m. Council Meeting

SUNDAY, MARCH 14 (Daylight Savings Time Begins)                                       4th Sunday in Lent 
9:15 a.m. Sunday School
  9:15-10:10 a.m. Day’s lessons, discussion with Coffee social distancing in the Fellowship Hall observed. 
10:30 a.m. Worship 
  3:00-7:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall reserved for Clover Kids and 4-H

   6:00 p.m. 
Worship and Music Committee Meeting
  7:00 p.m. Membership committee Meeting (if needed)

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17      St. Patrick’s Day
  2:00 p.m. 
WELCA Bible Study/Business Meeting; Hostess: Linda Wolfe

TODAY IS THE LAST SUNDAY TO DROP YOUR “NOISY OFFERING” IN THE COLLECTION CAN ON THE FOYER TABLE!!!  The Church Council has designated the offering to go to The Shenandoah Police Department to help purchase, train and pay for the extra costs of a new Police Dog for the K-9 Program. 

If you didn’t have a chance to attend the Annual Meeting, the Annual Meeting Booklets (filled with a lot of information you need to know) are on the foyer sign-up table.  Be sure to pick yours up!!


     Dan Hansen and Steve Jensen are the newly elected members of the Council.  1 more member is needed to serve a 3-year term.  If you are interested becoming a Council Member, please contact the Church Office ( 246-3287) to volunteer.  Please contact the office if you would like to volunteer to be a Deacon – 2 are needed. 

     The 2021 Budget was passed.  The Finance and Stewardship Committee kept this year’s Budget about the same as last year.

     3 members volunteered to be on the Emmanuel Constitution Review Committee.  Emmanuel is looking for an additional 2-3 members who would be willing to review and update our Constitution.  If you would like to help, please contact the Church Office.

     If you would like an Annual Meeting Booklet (and you should), copies can be found on the foyer table.  If you want to have a copy mailed to you, contact the Church Office.

At the end of January, Financial Secretary Kris Sherman placed your donation/offering document for 2020 in your Narthex Mail Box; if you haven’t already picked yours up, please stop by your mailbox.  If you have any questions as to the amount listed, please contact her at 246-1215.         



The 2021 YEARBOOK is now being organized.  If you have any changes i.e. address, telephone number, no land line, cell phone number, family members, e-mail address, etc. PLEASE let the Church Office know so they can be placed correctly in the YEARBOOK.  It will be published following the Annual Meeting on February 14. 

A READER is  needed for March 21. With many choosing to view our taped and live-streaming services, our list of readers has dwindled.  If you are coming to in-person Church and would like to read, the sign-up sheet is on the foyer table OR contact the office 246-3287/ to find out what dates are still open for you to read.  Thank You!

FYI: The April, May and June READERS sign-up sheet is also on the foyer table for those who would like to volunteer to read a couple of lessons, a responsive reading Psalm and ½ of the Prayers of the People/Intercessory Prayers. If you can help out your Church, PLEASE consider volunteering for a Sunday or two or three!

Pastor: Kurt Hoover                                                                                             Organist: Steve Richardson     
Reader:   Ron Oestmann                                                                                             Acolyte: Maren Bosley
February Altar Committee: Carla Morrow and Becky DeWild
Pastor Kurt’s contacts: 1-515-850-7670

Please like us on Facebook: elcShenandoah
Please share along with our webpage:

Next Sunday’s (March 7, 2021) Scriptures/Psalm:
The Story Readings “Jesus Ministry Begins” Matthew chapters 3 & 4; Mark 1-3; Luke 8; John 1-4
First Reading:  Genesis 18:1-10a;  Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18;
Second Reading: Romans 5:8-16;  The Gospel: John 2:13-22;

OFFERING: Weekly Budget $  1,934.87       Last Sunday’s Offering $ 445.00         
                     Budget to Date $13,544.09       Offering to Date         $13258.50


For those in the Military; For those serving overseas;
For Law Enforcement, Fire Crews and First Responders;
For those who have been quarantined due to the COVID-19 virus;
For the residents of the Care Centers;
For the nurses and employees of the Care Centers;
For Allen Holmes who has health issues; 
For Neva Meek, family and friends as she has entered hospice;

In these times many are feeling overwhelmed, depressed, and out of sorts.
With concern for you and yours, we offer these resources for you or
to refer a loved one to several agencies are available to help:

To reach Pastor Kurt: 
or Please use the resources listed below:

Vaccine Registration:  Vaccine.Iowa.Gov

Hope4Iowa (844-673-4469) is a line for confidential Mental Health and disabilities connection.
Rural Issues and Agriculture (800-447-1985) 24 hour/7 days a week a counselor available.
Iowa Warm Line (844-775-9276) to get in touch with a COVID Recovery Iowa counselor.
Family activities and resources are available thru complete a confidential form to access family resources or request a counselor to contact you.

Call 211 and a United Way representative can connect you with assistance in your area. 
Also:  Southwest Iowa Families (712-542-3051) OR
Waubonsie Mental Health Center:  Clarinda (712-542-2388) Shenandoah (712- 581-7900).
Addiction: Zion Recovery Services (246-4832) 
Suicide Prevention (1-800-273-8255)

For updated information:  Iowa Coronavirus Information or you can go to the website to schedule a test, with or without symptoms. 
Iowa Coronavirus InformationDiscover the latest resources, maps, and information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in your community.

Pastor Kurt Hoover

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