Morning Worship January 31, 2021

The Lord has a plan and hope for our future; worship with Emmanuel Lutheran, Jan 31

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Though this is the most tragic chapter of Israel’s History we also see God has remained faithful to His chosen people.  Those who look to the Lord, God of their ancestors have hope and a future beyond their present difficulties.  So also for people of faith in every generation.  As a light is put on a light stand so it may illuminate the entire room so also the light of God’s presence in our hearts and our lives illuminates all.  When we seek the Lord earnestly, He will be found, He gives understanding, hope, and eternal life. 

We pray you are blessed to worship with this service.  Emmanuel Lutheran, Shenandoah, Iowa. call or text 515-850-7670


The following is the normal schedule; all gatherings/events are subject to change.  REMEMBER: Social Distancing at all functions will be observed.  Masks (adults & children) are in the foyer for your safety and the safety of the congregation.

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TODAY; SUNDAY, JANUARY 31                                              4th Sunday after Epiphany         
  9:15 a.m. 
Sunday School
  9:15-10:10 a.m. Day’s lessons, discussion with Coffee social distancing in the Fellowship Hall observed. 
  10:30 a.m. Worship

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SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2021                                 5th Sunday after Epiphany
  9:15 a.m. 
Sunday School
9:15-10:10 a.m. Day’s lessons, discussion with Coffee social distancing in the Fellowship Hall observed.   
10:30 a.m. Worship/Holy Communion

  9:00 a.m. 
  6:30 p.m. Council Meeting


  9:15 a.m. Sunday School
9:15-10:10 a.m. Day’s lessons, discussion with Coffee social distancing in the Fellowship Hall observed. 
10:30 a.m. Worship/ ANNUAL MEETING FOLLOIWING in person and by separate Zoom Link

In accordance with Chapter 10, (Congregational Meeting) C10.01 and C10.03 of the Emmanuel Lutheran Constitution, the Church Council has set Sunday, February 14, 2021 following the 10:30 a.m. Worship Service as the date for the Emmanuel Lutheran Annual Meeting.  This meeting will be in-person and a Zoom meeting, which will be held simultaneously in accordance to the Model Constitution, Chapter 10 (Congregational Meeting) C10.08 and adopted by the Emmanuel Lutheran Church Council by Consent Agreement.  Social distancing and masks will be observed.

By now, everyone who was asked to write an Annual Report should have  
received their request letter and as a reminder, are being asked to submit   
their report (s) by February 1.  If you have any questions, contact the  
office (712-246-3287 or  Thank You.

An opportunity to serve the LORD and Your Church! 3 Council Members are needed to serve 3-year terms each for 2021.  If you are interested in learning how the Emmanuel Church is governed, consider volunteering.  If you have served on the Church Council in the past and would like see what’s new…welcome back!!  Also needed are 2 Deacons.  Contact the office or a Council Member or the Pastor if you are willing to serve your Church in these ways.

The “Noisy Offering” collection can is be on the Foyer Table.  The Church Council has designated the offering to go to The Community Food Pantry to help re-stock their shelves.  The “Offering Collection Can” will be on the table for the entire month of January (TODAY AND NEXT SUNDAY REMAIN) so be sure to drop in some coins to hear your “Noisy Offering” or for a less noisy offering – soft bills.


IT IS OFFICIAL!!!  The “Steeple Fundraising Account” is now open if you would like to donate funds to replace the existing, disintegrating steeple which is causing water to enter the Sanctuary.  Due to a generous donation, we are assured of having the funds for the Steeple project, so we are also receiving contributions to the Church Sign which was put on hold this spring.   Please clearly note “STEEPLE FUND” or “CHURCH SIGN” on your envelope and on the memo line.  You can place your donation in the
offering plate OR in the collection can on the foyer table.

The 2021 YEARBOOK is now being organized.  If you have any changes i.e. address, telephone number, no land line, cell phone number, family members, e-mail address, etc. PLEASE let the Church Office know so they can be placed correctly in the YEARBOOK.  It will be published following the Annual Meeting on February 14. 

Pastor: Kurt Hoover                                                     Organist: Steve Richardson                                    
Reader:     Jessica Bosley                                           Acolyte: Maren Bosley
Ushers/Greeters: undesignated
January Altar Committee: Deb Burroughs and Barb Hoover
The Altar Flowers are from John and Rose Walter IN HONOR of their 40th Wedding Anniversary.
Pastor Kurt’s contacts: 1-515-850-7670

Please like us on Facebook: elcShenandoah

Please share along with our webpage:

Next Sunday’s (February 7, 2021) Scriptures/Psalm:  First Reading: Daniel 3:17-27
Lamentations 3:22-33
        Second Reading:   1 Peter 3:8-18           The Gospel:  Luke 12:4-7  
The Story Readings for Chapter 18: Daniel 1-3; 6; Jeremiah 29-31

OFFERING: Weekly Budget $_________       Last Sunday’s Offering $ 565.00                   
2021 Budget (to be determined at the Annual Meeting)       Offering to Date  $7313.50


For those in the Military; For those serving overseas;
For Law Enforcement, Fire Crews and First Responders;
For those who have been quarantined due to the COVID-19 virus;
For the residents of the Care Centers;
For the nurses and employees of the Care Centers;
For Allen Holmes and Terri Kruse who has health issues;

In these times many are feeling overwhelmed, depressed, and out of sorts with concern for you and yours we offer these resources for you or to refer a loved one to Several agencies are available to help:

Reach Pastor Kurt : or these resources listed below:
Hope4Iowa (844-673-4469) is a line for confidential Mental Health and disabilities connection. 
Rural Issues and Agriculture (800-447-198524 hour/7 days a week a counselor available.
Iowa Warm Line (844-775-9276) to get in touch with a COVID Recovery Iowa counselor.
Family activities and resources are available thru   COVID Recovery Iowa on Youtube and on Facebook:    COVID Recovery Iowa on Facebook for the above links or to complete a confidential form to access family resources or request a counselor to contact you.
Call 211 and a United Way representative can connect you with assistance in your area. 
Also:    Southwest Iowa Families (712-542-3051) OR
Waubonsie Mental Health Center:  
Clarinda (712-542-2388) Shenandoah (712- 581-7900). 
Addiction: Zion Recovery Services (246-4832) 

                              Suicide Prevention (1-800-273-8255)

For updated information:  Iowa Coronavirus Information or you can go to the website to schedule a test, with or without symptoms.
Iowa Coronavirus InformationDiscover the latest resources, maps, and information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in your community.

Pastor Kurt Hoover

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