Sunday Morning Worship June 28, 2020

This week Jesus concludes his instructions for the disciple with words of hope, His presence.  “Whomever welcome you, welcomes Me, and welcomes the one who sent me.”  The disciples were sent to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God.  Jesus sent His disciples, and continues to send us, the redeemed, out of compassion for the lost sheep of the Father’s flock.  “Jesus had great pity for the crowds that came following Him, because their problems were so great and they didn’t know where to go for help.  They were like sheep without a shepherd.”  This describes God’s people today also, doesn’t it?  A little history lesson reveals how our Lord has used ordinary people like ourselves, grateful for redemption from sin, to correct injustice.  In America’s history: The Abolitionist movement, Woman’s suffrage, and the more recent civil rights movement.  May the Church rise with Christlike compassion and patience, proclaim God’s truth and justice, resist anger and evil, give thanks for what is good, and pray and act to bring about lasting hopeful reform.   

Pastor Kurt Hoover

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