Pentecost 7 features readings from Romans 8 and the Parable of the Wheat and Weeds from Matthew 13. Applicable to our lives today, we encounter challenges to faith and life from outside influences. Yet we are not people without hope because God has acted in Christ Jesus to forgive our sins; showing His divine love …
Category: Archive
Archived Church Newsletters!
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Jul 12
Morning Worship July 12, 2020
Quilt blessing Sunday, worship recorded at Emmanuel Lutheran July 12th 2020 I pray that you are encouraged by the stores shared in today’s service, and related to Jesus parable about the sower and the soils. Our Lord speaks to us in ways we can relate to and understand the power of God’s word to grow …
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Jul 05
Sunday Morning Worship July 5, 2020
It is all about perspective, does our align with Jesus’? Jesus comments how some minimize the revelation of God’s mercy and freedom provided for us. Freedom in grace to build up and encourage one another. Yet most profound is His invitation for all who are weary and heavy laden; “come to me,” Jesus said. “And …
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Jun 28
Sunday Morning Worship June 28, 2020
This week Jesus concludes his instructions for the disciple with words of hope, His presence. “Whomever welcome you, welcomes Me, and welcomes the one who sent me.” The disciples were sent to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God. Jesus sent His disciples, and continues to send us, the redeemed, out of compassion …
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Jun 21
Morning Worship June 21, 2020
Happy Fathers Day! Though the readings don’t relate to fatherhood we can make some connections regarding faithfulness and identity which are related through Jesus faithfulness to His father and sharing His righteous identity with all of us who are grateful to be redeemed from sin for a better life only our heavenly Father can provide. …
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Jun 18
In Church Services Resume
Great News…Emmanuel will be re-opening the Sanctuary on Sunday, June 21, 2020 @ 10:30 a.m. In accordance with social distancing guidelines, several pews have been taped off with Lutheran Blue Tape; only sit in the ones where the bulletins are. Sanitized Children’s clipboards will be available What is erectile dysfunction? Formally known as buy levitra …
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Jun 14
Morning Worship June 14, 2020
What will you do with the privilege God has given you? This is the question, again and again, God asks the people He has redeemed and makes holy. At Mount Sinai in today’s first lesson, even more powerfully, in the Romans 5 reading proclaiming ‘we have peace with God thru faith in what Jesus has …
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Jun 07
Morning Worship June 7, 2020
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May 31
Morning Worship May 31, 2020
For all who chose safety in avoiding the group gathering at our “Parking Lot” worship today, or otherwise, here is this week’s online worship service. We will continue to record on Saturday afternoons at Emmanuel; until we have internet service which will handle live streaming on Sundays in person worship would be on Saturday. Yet …
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May 24
Morning Worship May 24, 2020
Thank you for joining with fellow believers through this on-line version of worshiping together as the Body of Christ in the world, united with Christ in His mission. This Memorial Day Weekend we are reminded our faith is in the persons of the trinity, it is not about knowledge. Better than head knowledge, it is …
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May 17
Morning Worship May 17, 2020
What is the greatest gift you have been entrusted with? In this weeks worship the words of “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” frame Jesus promise of sending the Holy Spirit to abide with and in His followers. The Advocate and comforter, as Jesus describes the Holy Spirit, is what we need to discern truth: the …
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May 10
Morning Worship May 10, 2020
Thank you for worshiping with your church family in this way. Today we celebrate Mothers, and all who nurture and teach children. Along with Jesus Promise of a new life beyond this one, a room in His Father’s house. Our friend said to us, I will come again, and will take you to myself, so …
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May 03
Worship Service May 3, 2020
Right now we have more questions than answers. We want information, we want to know what is safe, good for us, and good for all. Who are you listening to? Will you follow the Good Shepherd? I’ll admit I hit several aspects of faith in the message, so you might get a notepad and …
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Apr 22
ELCA Back Pack Program
Thank you to everyone that contributed to the ELCA World Hunger’s Daily Bread Matching Grant. With your support we raised $745.00 and we will also receive a $500.00 grant from The most optimal variant for quick and effective action of Kamagra oral jelly drug is to take it seriously and look for possible solutions. levitra …
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