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Archived Church Newsletters!

November 2021 Newsletter

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Morning Worship Sunday October 24, 2021

What do you ask God for?

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Morning Worship Sunday October 17, 2021

Sacrifice and suffering, what good can come from them? It was all for us, Isaiah tells us. 10/17/21

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October 2021 Newsletter

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Morning Worship Sunday October 10, 2021

An inheritance from God for you: eternal life – Online Worship from Emmanuel LC Oct 10, 2021

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Morning Worship Sunday October 3, 2021

A touchy Subject – handle with God’s grace and mercy

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Morning Worship September 26, 2021

Homecoming to Christian Community

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Morning Worship September 19, 2021

Seeing the world from a Child’s point of view! Online worship for September 19 2021

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Morning Worship September 5, 2021

Put Your Faith into Practice

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Morning Worship August 29, 2021

We’ve all had enough of conflict, see this week how Jesus rises above it. Worship for August 29th

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Morning Worship August 22, 2021

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August 2021 Newsletter

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Morning Worship Sunday July 18, 2021

Because you belong to Christ, and He guides and helps those who trust in the Lord, our unity in Christ cannot be divided by anything on earth.Pastor Kurt Hoover515-850-7670

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Morning Worship July 11, 2021

Technical difficulties ~ Audio did not record today:Please meditate on Ephesians 1:3-14 for today’s Online worship. Today’s second reading describes joy at the center of our gathering in worship.  The rich blessings that are ours because of Jesus. The reading from the 1st chapter of Ephesians, beginning with verse 3:       3 How we praise God, the Father of our …

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Morning Worship July 4, 2021

Praising God for the responsibility we have to one another we celebrate Independence day in worship

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Morning Worship June 27, 2021

The end of everything as we know it is the grand beginning Pastor Kurt Hoover515-850-7670

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July 2021 Newsletter

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Morning Worship June 20, 2021

Pastor Kurt Hoover515-850-7670

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Morning Worship June 13, 2021

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Morning Worship June 6, 2021

Beginnings of the church; survived attempts to cancel the truth of God’s love and mercy. June 6, 21 Pastor Kurt Hoover515-850-7670

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June 2021 Newsletter

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Morning Worship May 30, 2021

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Morning Worship May 23, 2021

Pentecost Sunday Worship Link Pentecost Sunday Worship with Emmanuel Lutheran, May 23 2021 “I will send the Counselor – the Spirit of Truth” Jesus told His disciples.  And so it was, as Jesus said, on the Day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came and what a blessed ruckus it was.  This pill itself is the natural treatment …

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Morning Worship May 16, 2021

“They returned to Jerusalem filled with great joy.  They spent all of their time in the Temple, praising God.” Yes Jesus ascended into the clouds, up to heaven (where He intercedes for us) but the angels told His disciples and followers he will “He will return in the same way you saw him go.”  HE …

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May 2021 Newsletter

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